Saturday 26 March 2016

8 Movies You Should Not Miss

8 Movies You Should Not Miss We all watched this kind of movies that make you think about them for a long time to the point you start saying quotes from these movies. Here are 8 movies you should not miss that will change your perspective about many things in a good way.

1) The Pursuit of Happyness
This movie shows the struggle of Chris Gardner (Will Smith) and his child as they were evicted from their apartment and had financial issue. This movie displayed the idea that it’s not about the bunch of money but simple moments with our beloved people that makes sense for this life. It also displayed the idea of that there is no excuse for not to try as Will Smith said in the movie: "If you want something, go get it. Period." This movie will definitely make you ambitious about whatever you want to do.

2) Titanic
For those who have watched Titanic before, they know well this scene; that scene that brings a lot of feelings and emotions to us. Is it the end of this love story? Is it their last moment with each other? Titanic is not only a love story between Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) but it also shows the discrimination and differences between classes and how each class look to the other.

3) The Theory Of Every Thing 
Okay here comes to the hope that we must have till the last breath. When we are talking about persistence and ambition we are talking about Stephen Hawking ( Eddie Redmyne) and his journey. This movie also shows the love story between him and his wife Jane Wilde (Felicity Jones). This movie will teach you how to have hope and to be ambitious; as its known quote says "While there's life, there's hope."
4) Horrible Bosses

If you want to take a break and laugh for almost two hours, then watch 'Horrible Bosses'. A full comedy movie that will make your mouth feel pain because of laughing from the very beginning till the end. As those three guys were trying to get rid from their bosses and that led them to face a lot of troubles. Don’t hesitate, have a break for two hours, and you'll never regret it!

5) Schindler's List

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire" this quote at the end of this movie sums up everything and makes us wonder how evil the world is. Schindler's List is based on the true story of the Holocaust, and Oskar Schindler who saved over 1200 Jews during WWII. It is true, but sacrifices some historical accuracy for the sake of artistic expression to make it a more interesting film. 

6) Inside out

For animations lovers, you should not miss this one! 'Inside out' talks about our inner feelings that control everything in our life. It shows the importance of every single feeling we have. It shows how important sadness is as joy is. Moreover, to have a good life, you have to make balance between all your feelings

7)The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Unlike normal people, he started his life as an old man and ended it as a child. Benjamin Button had a different life from other people that made him a unique person. You will fall in love with this movie as it is a different one. It will make you know that nothing lasts, but you won’t be able to forget some of the things. Get your tissues ready while you watch; you won't control your tears.   

8) 12 years a slave
Last but not least, '12 Years A Slave' shows the discrimination that happened in the past and how black people was suffering in their life. As the main character here is Solomon who was a normal person, had a family and lived a normal life, but this would not last for long as he got abducted and became a slave.

These movies will make you cry, laugh, wonder and think. You'd write them in your top favorite movies. Prepare your popcorn. Watch and you'll never regret it!

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